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January 21, 2015

Thompson Statement on Republican Border Bill

(WASHINGTON) – Today, Rep. Bennie G. Thompson (D-MS), Ranking Member of the Committee on Homeland Security, released the below statement on H.R. 399, the so-called 'Secure Our Borders First Act of 2015'. The bill is scheduled to be marked up today.

"After working across the aisle on border security legislation just last year, it is extremely unfortunate that Chairman McCaul has quickly abandoned it to placate the most extreme factions of the Republican Conference. To be clear: this new bill talks tough but offers few solutions. It would require the Federal government to spend billions of taxpayer dollars on fencing, road projects, and equipment that has not been vetted or even requested – all to achieve what McCaul himself has acknowledged, time and again, is an unrealistic and unachievable standard."

Markup Information & Statement

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